Asendia USA Suivi

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This company will not respond to any inquiries about where packages are, nor will your package get to where it's supposed to.

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great. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.

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never disappoint!

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linda bendjama

hello, I want to know when I receive my package knowing that I live in France. is he still in the United States? Thank you for your reply. [email protected]

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Nice service,thank you

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Bought some stuff on Amazon on 15th May and the courier form Asendia USA took them in my hand 19th may. So fast that i will use again.

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in a word---perfect

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just good enough

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It makes me feel good about Asendia USA. Delivered the time it promised.

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I used it several times to ship my packages. They have a reasonable price compared to its competitors. Until now, no issues seems to appear. Much reliable.

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I ordered a package 5 days ago, and they informed me I will get my package on Nov.11 between10:00-11.00, and I get my package at about 10:15. The service is very nice.

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