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Create an Trackingmore account
To get started with Trackingmore, you need to create an new account. Once you complete the account setup process, you will automatically get a 7-day trial subscription (No credit card required) to learn about Trackingmore features. Upon the expiration of the trial, you will automatically switch to Free plan. #### Create an account 1. Go to the [Trackingmore Registration Pag]( "Trackingmore Registration Pag")e and set up your account 2. Enter business details, and set password will be generated 3. Start your 7 day free trial with Trackingmore
배송 업데이트를 자동화하거나 배송 효율성을 개선하고 싶으신가요? TrackingMore의 강력한 API를 사용하면 고객의 구매 후 여정을 혁신할 수 있는 모든 도구를 손쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.