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Trackingmore Email notifications
Trackingmore is able to send email notifications to you and your customers for different delivery statuses. #### Enable email notifications 1. Sign in to [Trackingmore account]( "Trackingmore account") 2. Go to **Setting-Email Notification** page 3. Choose the status which you want to get nofify email **Note**: If you want to send a notification eamil to your customers, you need to fill in the **customer's email** in the CSV file before import tracking numbers. **Key Tip**: Click on the '**Customize Email**' to customize the email template. It will help you to build a unique band experience and increase overall email open rate.
Looking to automate shipment updates or improve your delivery efficiency? With TrackingMore's powerful API, you'll have all the tools at your fingertips to transform your customer's post-purchase journey.