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Trackingmore Email notifications
Trackingmore is able to send email notifications to you and your customers for different delivery statuses. #### Enable email notifications 1. Sign in to [Trackingmore account]( "Trackingmore account") 2. Go to **Setting-Email Notification** page 3. Choose the status which you want to get nofify email **Note**: If you want to send a notification eamil to your customers, you need to fill in the **customer's email** in the CSV file before import tracking numbers. **Key Tip**: Click on the '**Customize Email**' to customize the email template. It will help you to build a unique band experience and increase overall email open rate.
Wilt u verzendupdates automatiseren of uw bezorgefficiëntie verbeteren? Met de krachtige API van TrackingMore heb je alle tools binnen handbereik om het traject van je klant na de aankoop te transformeren.