Finally received my mask today that I ordered in March it took forever wish I had known it was coming from China but however I must say I love the mask.they just need to advertise as China merchandise.hope this helps the next person.
Je voudrai savoir ou est mon coli LL2591128594IU Merci
Bonjour j attends un colis avec deux numéros de suivi a ne plus comprendre et savoir pourquoi depuis le 29 avril 2020 sa ne bouge plus du tout assez inquiet car la marchandise et assez cher pourriez m aider svp numero de colis EX217125787SG ou LP00171696836038 merci cordialement
I would like to tell all the people complaining about various delivery companies like Yun Express, 4PX, UBI etc. for ultra slow shipping times to US that they need to think a bit before stoning the delivery company. Please think about it. If what\'s written in tracking report in LA it MEANS Los Angeles, which also means that delivery company which did the shipping from China to the US DID IT\'S JOB! After the package arrives in Los Angeles, it stays there until customs are cleared! USPS, FedEx and others are slacking due to the very high amount of packages and COVID situation. If you still want to throw the stones at the delivery companies which actually did their job in 90\% of the cases aka. deliver the goods from the China to the US customs in the timeframe of max 12 days, please watch the following video: This video is of a massive line of empty freight trucks outside of LAX (Los Angeles Airport) waiting for shipments to clear customs and get ready for pickup. That\'s why your package is waiting for 2 weeks at the LA Airport/Customs! I\'m also sending you the video of a routing warehouse where FedEx picks up their packages. It\'s totally full! Check it out at: I totally understand that some of you are frustrated because you are waiting 30 days for your packages to arrive, but if you still want to blame someone for that, turn to USPS and FedEx, not the carriers who did their jobs as best as they can under COVID situation. And their job was plain and simple: Take the package from the China warehouse, send it over the ocean to the US customs, let the USPS/FedEx or whoever take from there. Done. Thank you for your understanding.
Il pacco doveva arrivare tra il 13 e il 23 giugno ma è stato consegnato oggi. Era un po ammaccato, ma d\'altronde se ne è fatti di km! E cmq l\'interno era in ordine!
Bonjour, je suis tous les jours l\'acheminement de mon colis car c\'est un cadeau d\'anniversaire pour mon fils mais depuis 3 jours, il est indiqué sur le suivi \"arrival at of exchange4PX. OFFICE UNKNOWN\" Qu\'est-ce que cela signifie ? Pour moi il est en France, donc la livraison devrait être rapide, non ? Merci pour vos précisions ! A toutes fins utiles, le numéro de suivi est LG594836354GB Bien à vous !
After having read several recensions I had serious doubts to get my ordered and paid masks from China. I knew, that the seller was from China but I thought shipping would last not that long than it really did. 4 weeks after my purchase the masks arrived! Quality seems to be all right ... so at least I can give my positive recension ...
Arrivate in anticipo tutto ok
It was 1-2 days late but as from China and under current Covid 19 pandemic I perfectly understand so no problem at all.
Bonjour je souhaiterais savoir où se trouve mon colis. LL258438691LU. Cordialement.
Neun Tage von China nach Deutschland, besser geht\'s nicht!
アマゾンで購入した商品が中国からの発送となり、 4PXを利用した発送地(深セン)→(香港)→(シンガポール) へと輸送。4PXの仕事はここまで。 追跡では、シンガポールから日本に輸送中となっているが、 3月29日での追跡なので4月26日時点では、 日本には到着していると思う。 ただ問題なのは、何処に荷物があるか分からない。 出品者に問い合わせてみたが、約束通り発送している。 ここのレビューを見ていると4PXが遅い評価が多い。 ただ、4PXは自宅まで配達するわけではない。 日本からの配達は、日本の運送会社が配達する。 現時点では、どの運送会社も追跡不能状態。 ここら辺が、国をまたぐとややこしい。 Per chi avesse problemi con questo corriere basta che utilizzi il link sopra e metta nelle spedizioni lo stesso codice che ha su 4px. 4px infatti usa poste italiane quando arriva in Italia. Molto probabilmente dato che poste italiane durante il corona virus non citofona neanche quando c’è una raccomandata i loro pacchi non sono truffe ma semplicemente sono belli intasati nelle poste Italiane. Per quanto riguarda la recensione vera e propria il sito è decisamente lento nell’aggiornamento do 5 stelle solo per fare media con gli italiani medi. Sorry world. Italy is a country of ignorants scholars
J\'ai mis 5 étoiles pour qu\"on me rende mon colis . 4 px . . . S\'il vous .plaIt ?
Only place to track china packages
Pacco partito dalla cina il 13/02 è stato consegnato regolarmente nelle mani di SDA ieri 20/02. Un po lenti soprattutto nell\'aggiornamento del tracking, ma per il resto nessun problema.
I ordered between xmas and new year. I have now received my order after 16 days. and yes the tracking could be betters but eventually I got the goods.
amazing. I received my order quickly. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.
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