Best Express(logistic) Suivi

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Took 10 days to reach Melaka from shah alam. I think I can walk to shah alam and pick it up and walk back to melaka within this 10days. This logistic company is the worst i ever used. Those parcels which I bought later than this parcel already received and this company yet to deliver. Please avoid this logistic company if you need your parcel urgently.

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Lily Tan

The staff very very rude, shoube be change to bad express !!!!!!!!! bad service !!!!!!!!!

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This is the worst delivery system I have come across!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Courier palinggg slow di Malaysia. Barang dah sampai station tapi x deliver item pon. Perap lama lama. Nak collection cakap susah nak cari barang. Will not buying from Lazada again & definately blacklist this courier service.

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Should be to change Bad courier not Best courier

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saya order 29/8 dekat lazada, sampai harini in transit. dari melaka ke n9 je pun. kalau naik KL dulu sekalipun, takkan lama macam ni. tak puas hati betul la saya

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i cant take this shit anymore need some sort of protest to take down this company lol

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Abdul Yew

idk, bad service! bet my grandma can ship faster than these guys!

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Very very very late, NOT RECOMMENDED ITR TRUE NOT ONLY ONCE BUT TWICE!!! Same things happen

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Trash company , stuck for ages in the same status

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desa mutiara

uncle that send my parcel, a big parcel is really nice. Delivery uncle help to bring the big parcel to my house level 1. i am very grateful. Uncle i am very very thankful with you. may god give you extra2 health. i hope boss can give credit to this delivery uncle for mutiara damansara delivery. i am so touched by his excellent service. He looks tired bring my 2 big parcel but he still smile ... this is my first time with this courier and this delivery uncle give a good impression of this courier. will definitely use again next time.

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