Alljoy Sendungsverfolgung

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  • 40
  • 11
  • 14
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Another Customer

The answer from CC was good to hear. The product has some discount so worth waiting but should not receive it too late as like it might be outdated already,

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Ejaz kham

Contact me about my parcal

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Nilesh Joshi

It\'s festival time I humbly Request an early delivery. Thank you in Advance. 91 7045454868

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D kumar sedha

It is good to see the update of my shipment,but it is also requested to deliver the product before 14 july 2018 due to leaving the current resident place and going somewhere far away. Your earlier and quick response will be appretiated. Contact: 9690610007

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Please provide exact location of the shipment, i can only see consignment received, but where?

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