Alljoy Suivi

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Finally it\'s showing under customs clearance

Afficher plus

Thankyou for delivering rare products to . I am waiting for my products. Kindly deliver it fast as fast as you can so that i can buy more new rare products from your site. Thankyou bangwood

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Satish Karri

But Updating information is slow

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Sun Fire

I have ordered a wire tracker and it was delivered in 13 days , thanks for the fast delivery

Afficher plus
Arun Kumar

Received on 13th day

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My order deliver 14:days Thankyou

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Where is my order

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Vugjbkbbk.n hkbob ohhk jojob

Afficher plus

Nyc But It takes 39 days..

Afficher plus

Good service

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Afficher plus

shipment arrived after 29 days ... still not tested it by the product was badly packed ,,, no thermocal or bubble wrap .. even the product is not tampered but still

Afficher plus

Received before delivery date. Thanks Alljoy.

Afficher plus

good packed goods no damaged but delay

Afficher plus

Good nice awesome my product come to me yesterday and i like you

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I have received my percel today

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I ordered on june 26th. It got shipped on june 28th and delivered on 20th july. Though it took 20days time, i am least bothered because it imported from China and i did not paid any custom charges for this. Package is well packed

Afficher plus

I ordered on june 26th. It got shipped on june 28th and delivered on 20th july. Though it took 20days time, i am least bothered because it imported from China and i did not paid any custom charges for this. Package is well packed

Afficher plus

What happens the customs. Still they not released? 2019-07-07 14:07:54 CUSTOMS INSPECTION, WAITING FOR RELEASE.,DEL 2019-07-05 22:07:54 Flight Arrive At Destination Airport,under customs clear process,DEL 2019-06-19 22:10:55 Flight Arrive At Destination Airport,under customs clear process,DEL 2019-06-19 10:07:55 Flight Depart From Original Airport (HKG),HKG

Afficher plus

Good courier

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