An Post Suivi

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Wo ist die Lieferung , wir sind Morgen nicht zu Hause

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still waiting for my parcel I can see it is in limerick

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My experience with An Post was great. The package arrived swiftly and in good condition.

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I absolutely love my mailman. He delivers all my packages to a safe location. My mail is always delivered on time.

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I bought a very important present to my friend,and she receive it two days later, so fast, my friend like the present very much, thanks a lot

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All I want to say is thank you!

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Fast Friendly Service Easy to use Staff were friendly and helpful

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Staff are nice. Delivery is fast. Tracking updates soon. Everything was Great!

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My seller told me that she shiped my goods on the late Monday by An Post. She also told me that it will take 3-5 days for me to get my parcel. And now i got it on Thursday. Good experience.

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