Aramex 추적

TrackingMore를 사용하여 Aramex 패키지를 추적하십시오. 강력한 TrackingMore 추적 API는 여러 운송 업체의 원활한 추적, 자동차 캐리어 감지 등을 제공합니다!

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This is my honest review based on my personal experience. I must clearly disagree with all the negative comments here. My parcel from Australia to Czech Republic (EU) was delivered to me in 7 days for roughly 10 EUR. I used Aramex Global Shopper and they did not want even to pay the shipping charges beforehand! As my local Aramex is located 300 km away from home, I was a bit worried reading the comments here, so I called them and they told me that my package was forwarded to another courier company, GLS (maybe it is in the UK too) and gave me another tracking number for that. Now the package is in their hands and scheduled to be delivered tommorow, if not, then at least to a nearby depot for personal pick-up, so all in all I am very satisfied. Just call them if you have any doubt of your package status and I am sure some representative from Aramex will sort it out. By the way, they are very much helpful, no irony. I hope that nobody thinks he/she will be updated every 10 minutes of package tracking, come on people... Anyway, I wish you have a good experience with Aramex!

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A job well done! Thanks for the efficient service! My parcel was delivered to PTA in time! I am so impressed

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Please advice the status of the package

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been told by Aramex ETA is 5 to 7 days and yes it arrived safely

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Aramex is an innovative logistics provider in India and develops very fast. Shipping rate is much cheaper.

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Have recommended to a few people, and using your Aramex company now on a regular basis

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こんにちは 私はADHIKARI LAXMANと申します。今ネパールから追跡番号31102928393の荷物来ていますが住所変更したいことで連絡致しました。 郵便番号144-0031 東京都大田区東蒲田1-2-2 高津ハイム902号室 ADHIKARI LAXMAN tel. 08095335912 宜しくお願いします。

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Good on price,and speed

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Dropped off on Monday and received on Friday. Thanks!

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It just made me wait for two days

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Fist time to used it, and feel good, will used again!

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Come as promised with courteous driver and undamaged package. Perfect!

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Aramex is good. Already my frequent supplier.

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They deliver my goods as promised. I highly recommend it to ship packages!

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3 business days for delivery from UK to Kuwait

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I am very grateful for the shipping handing parcels china to dibai for 6 days,Thank you to all employees regard for your hard work.

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