Bhutan Post Suivi

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Dilip Tamang


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GREAT to receive something on time and with no fuss. I really appreciated the sms updates and tracking facilities.

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My credit card was hacked so that all my purchase info was lost. Later, I was told that my package was returned but no where to find. However, seller and other people are nice teller and seller ship me another item.

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Bhutan post just suit for me ,for its reasonable price and kindly service. The most important factor is it can delivery my parcel to me so fast and so security. I have use Bhutan post for a long time and it never let me upset, also never let my customers complains.Thank you!

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I like the mobile phone so much. Pink is my favorite color and the quality is quite good. My package is delivered safely. It is not the first time I buy phone online. My packages was damaged before. But this time I am so happy that my package is fine.

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Good service to ship my goods.

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