Cameroon Post Sendungsverfolgung

Verfolgen Sie Ihre Cameroon Post Pakete in Echtzeit und erhalten Sie automatische Versandbenachrichtigungen mit Cameroon Post Sendungsverfolgung.


Overall rating
  • 17
  • 1
  • 4
  • 0
  • 0
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Bonjour cela fait plus d'un mois que je suis dans l'attente de recevoir mon colis au benin. Je ne comprends plus rien. Je vous en prie voici mon identifiant RR000478780CM

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Bonjour, j'arrive pas tracer mon colis et j'aimerai savoir ou il en est actuellement voila le numero de reference RR002178765CM. svp bien vouloir me repondre

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Campost Limbe has great service and are a real pleasure to deal with for receiving parcels.

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amazing. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. can\'t wait to open my box.

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great. Fast shiping. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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love it. i received the package and delivered it on time. No sign of dents of the box.

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good. I received my order quickly. can\'t wait to open my box.

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great. i received the package and delivered it on time. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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s\'il vous plait faut-il attendre combien de jours pour que le courrier commence à être traçable. Je croyais que ce l\'était immédiatement mais j\'ai déposé deux courriers à la campost de bafoussam vendredi dernier et jusqu\'ici ce n\'est pas tracable. Merci d\'avance

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I can’t believe after tracking a parcel, one calls and email contacts of Campost to no avail. I guest better operate with no website. Also, after tracking a parcel, one discovers it’s been the country yet no information neither how or when your parcel will get to you.

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Usefull information on SMS, and easy pick-up procedure.

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Everything went smoothly. Very happy.

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Really good, professional service!

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Les mises a jours ne son pas régulière

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I received my courier in Budapest after two weeks. That was quick. Initially, they said it will take 3 weeks to go from Douala to Budapest. The cost was 1500 XAF. I was impressed. However, the tracking system needs to be optimal even as I am speaking you can\'t really tell if the courier has been received or not. This tracking system is even better because is worse. For this reason, I am giving 4 stars.

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Everything goes smoothly and without any exception. Thanks for the carrier and all related people.

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Rech Zoe

never i\'ve been so proud of my country, this online service is the best. guys really, you can\'t imagine how much proud you make us ... keep it up, thank you\'ll

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CAMPOST may be the best shipping company I have ever used. Very reliable shipping company with reasonable price.

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Attitudes of Postal service employees towards its customers is very nice. They really put customers first.

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Package delivered to my house very smoothly and without . This is very excellent.

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