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I know this vendor sells things which is dropshipped through AliExpress. But I actually loves those goods despite sometimes things will be on route for a longer time.

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I benefit a lot from this site. Always give me the latest tracking info. And Canada page gives you the exact tracking info as you see in the Canada Post official website.

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加拿大邮政简介中说:加拿大邮政坚持“用户至上”的宗旨。可实际上是:我是独家垄断,不管我是怎么邮递,用户只有忍受。不然你就没办法邮寄你的包裹和信件! 从中国寄往加拿大的包裹,从中国到加拿大海关再到加拿大邮政中心部门一般只需要3-5天,可是从其邮政中心处理直到用户手上却用了一两个月,有甚者可以超过3个月。可是,加拿大邮政承运的规定是最长不会超过20天。对这种“不诚信”用户只能承受,无处去讲理,由邮政部门随意超出承运邮递周期给用户造成的损失无人问津,这怎么能叫做坚持“用户至上”的宗旨呢!建议超出承运周期的邮递项目邮政部门应当承担给用户造成的损失,对其罚款。希望加拿大政府主管部门能监督邮政部门一定要兑现它们的宗旨!

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邮寄周期也太不靠谱了我的包裹如下 寄送国家:加拿大(从中国邮寄出) 运送方式 规定寄送周期(天) 已经寄出时间(天) 包裹跟踪号码 SAL水陆联运 7-20 46( 2017-10-25;12-11) CP345993636CN 我不知这里的“规定寄送周期(天)”是不是邮政系统对用户的承诺。 邮政系统的运输延误给用户造成的损失应该由谁来承担?邮政系统运输周期没有诚信应由政府的什么部门监督管理? 该包裹还是从11月7日就在RICHMOND, BC的邮局了,可是到目前它还是在那里。只有约40公里的距离运输了一个多月还要等,我一点办法也没有就只能等呀等。就是没地方说理去。不知这个评论能有什么效果,真是天晓得!

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Jeton Beeisha

Hello, Can you please send that Shipment back to my adress: Jeton Berisha, Hausmattstrasse 441, 4716 Welschenrohr, Schweiz. for any questions: [email protected]

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Package carried by Canada post and then via China post. No problem and package arrived.

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Nelly contreras

Me orgullece el servicio mi apoyo para todos quienes trabajan en este medio reciban mis félicitations

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Always reply to my message promptly. Really appreciate what they have done so far. Keep on ongoing.

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I will use this courier company to ship my future items. Very fast to ship my stuff!

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Packages shipped by Canada Post have been delayed for a long time. They simply do not accept the complaint from receiver outside Canada. So when i found my packages have not been delivered within the estimated delivery date, they require me to ask the sender to file a claim. Very complicated process.

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safety ,fast

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Cannot track my package when arrived in China. I was not being told that Small packet cannot be traceable when living Canada. Bad experience.

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I would recommend this company to anyone

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Thanks a lot for delivery item to me in so fast speed!

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My package should sent to me yesterday , buy my phone has something happen, so it was hard for post man to . Today, I receive my item from my neighbor, and know that post man called me so many times and sent many messages to me , finally, he put my item to my neighbor\'s house. I was sorry for this trouble, and feel very impressed to this express company, will used it again!

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very fast delivery. the packages are always received in a short time.

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everything is OK, 14 days delivery is great!Goods delivered, tracking is available

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