Courier IT Suivi

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Courier It is the worst delivery service you can get.

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Very efficient and reliable services.

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How am i 33 minutes on hold no one answers there

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Waiting about 2 month's for a package every time they tell us driver cant find the address of the lodge we had peoe from Botswana finding the lodge in harties were are the drivers from Mars

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Pissed someone

Your service is poor. I have been waiting for my parcel from 08 Dec. When I track it there is a different story everyday

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Sifiso Sydney mathenjwa


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fast efficient,reputable courier service, with user friendly tracking and helpful staff who communicate well every step of the way. updates via email and SMS every step, helpful friendly staff excellent communication! Welldone this is what service is

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Lettie Botha

Worst delivery service ever experienced. Lies about not available and also phone number not available yet driver phoned twice to confirm delivery at arranged address and time. Now informed will be delivered only again on Tuesday so another day of waiting and possibly sitting waiting and no delivery again. Does suppliers making use of this company ever look at reviews? Service sucks.

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Julian Alexander

Been waiting all day for the delivery and nothing happens. Decided to track my parcel and surprised to see it indicates an address problem. What an absurd excuse. I was at home the entire day and evening and no delivery came at all.

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nonhlanhla mabe

Oh My word,this company is the worst, not sure if they know what they are doing....i would never recommend them.

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the level of incompetence with this company is unbelievable, they are failing to deliver my package to the correct address for 8 days now.

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I am a little pity about the delivery time as they took too long in the export customs. They can inform me earlier to finish all the needed documentation.

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