DHL eCommerce Отслеживание

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Dah seminggu dah tunggu barang aku tengok tracking tak faham ah... amende ni dhl you guys are so so slow

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5 hari barang xgerak..haritu suka guna DHL sebab laju..sekarang saya sanggup cancel order kalau seller guna kurier DHL..sorry

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tak nak guna da

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Tah appe

Harini je dah termasuk seminggu lebih tunggu brg tak sampai2. Jangan hilang sudah barang tu. Cepatlah sikit. Kalau taknak hantar ckp je ngan aku biar aku gi pickup kat hub.

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I Hate DHL

DHL ni lagi teroks dari Shopee Express ke apa????.....seminggu lebih dahh weiii korang peram barang aq......haiyooo.......mcm mana mau berkat itu gaji oooooo

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dhl lembab

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Nak 10 turun naik tngok brg kat posr.. Sampai mlm gie tngok.. Xade jgk.. Dpt email brg dh dihantar.. Prgi tngok kat post xade.. Tnggu brg dari delivery,, smpai dh dihantar.. Brg stay xade.. Bukti anta gmbar conteng sahaje.. Ape cter..

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Best service for e-commerce. Fastest delivery.

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It's already at the station near my condominium at 6am in the morning, and now whole day you cannot plan the delivery ??? Just let all of the parcel stayed at the station??? If not i just can go take the parcel at the station ... using J&T arrived at 7am morning 10am already out for delivery and i had received it...DHL until not did not plan to deliver the parcel that reached 6am ... Disappointed

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Nk name

DHL memang sabtu ahad cuti tu barang pon tak jalan eh?

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Beli barang shopee, no update lepas depart from station. Dah la nak guna urgent. Padahal tak jauh pun. Kalau jnt satu malam je dari ganu ke n9. Disappointed ☹️

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Beli barang shopee, no update lepas depart from station. Dah la nak guna urgent. Padahal tak jauh pun. Kalau jnt satu malam je dari ganu ke n9. Disappointed ☹️

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Kenapa la DHL ni teruk begini !!!!!!

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Barang aku 5 hari dh ni bila nak sampai hawau..tutup jelah dhl e commerce lancau ni

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Lady T

I received my package in less than a week.. Everything was all great. Nice experience, would order again

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Afiza Alid

I'm an old user of DHL and for overseas shipment it was dependable save and very fast shipping. BUT it was before the pandemic which is understandable. What I don't get is why is it any different with other courier service? As of today, JNT is way faster and sometimes PosLaju too. Maybe because there's lack of manpower or something but DHL is getting much slower and untrustworthy. Too bad tho cause DHL has been around for so many years. I hope you guys can improve more.

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Afiza Alid

I'm an old user of DHL and for overseas shipment it was dependable save and very fast shipping. BUT it was before the pandemic which is understandable. What I don't get is why is it any different with other courier service? As of today, JNT is way faster and sometimes PosLaju too. Maybe because there's lack of manpower or something but DHL is getting much slower and untrustworthy. Too bad tho cause DHL has been around for so many years. I hope you guys can improve more.

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Afiza Alid

I'm an old user of DHL and for overseas shipment it was dependable save and very fast shipping. BUT it was before the pandemic which is understandable. What I don't get is why is it any different with other courier service? As of today, JNT is way faster and sometimes PosLaju too. Maybe because there's lack of manpower or something but DHL is getting much slower and untrustworthy. Too bad tho cause DHL has been around for so many years. I hope you guys can improve more.

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