DPD Irlande Suivi

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jason doyle

Paid for a parcel to be delivered which was a framed photograph. I checked their prohibited items list to make sure it was safe to send before paying. It wasnt on the prohibited list so i went ahead and paid. The delivery driver threw the parcel onto the receivers porch even though the parcel was plastered in fragile stickers (witnessed by the receivers carpenter". The glass was smashed and they wont cover it because they say it is on their prohibited items list which they linked me to here https://shipping.dpd.ie/prohibited-items and as you can see there is no mention of it at all. Complete con. Avoid them

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Dreadful service! Do avoid this company. My item is lost, could not find my house and now nothing. Avoid at all costs

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I send a parcel to Poland and been there in a week, everything was perfect, nothing damaged. And they’re cheap. Definitely will use again DPD Ireland

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Everythings ok

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I have cooperated with this company for a long time, all my customers are satisfied with delivery service, only have several times for missing, that has been perfect than others

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There is a step by step tracking detail telling you whereabouts your package is now.

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A speedy and efficient service. I found the detailed tracking particularly useful.

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