Hej, jag vill en fråga hur många dagar det tar att få ett levererarpaket till Sweden?
Please urgent documents only one day for visa so tell me where is?
በ22/2/2021 ከ ሐሮማያ ዩንቨሪስቲ ወደ አ.አ ለ ሜሪላንድ ኢንተርናሽናል ኮሌጅ ዶክመንት ልኬ እስከ አሁን 3 ወር ሙሉ አልደረሰም እባካችሁን መላ በሉኝ
የመልካም፡ ሰላምታያ፡ እያቀረብኩ! ከዚህ፡ በመቀጠል፡ የሚከተለው ፡መልእክት ፡ማስተላለፍ ፡እፈልጋለሁ ፡ከሰላምታ ፡ጋር ! መቼም ፡የሐገሬ፡ ሰው ፡ ሲተርት፥ "ወረቀት፡ የያዘውን ፡እና፡ ሞኞ ፡የሠማው ፡አይረሳም፡ይላል"። በውነቱ፡ የምትሠሩት ሥራ ከበድ አይደልም ማለቴ ሳሆን የተላከው እቃ በሐቀኝነት ለባለቤቱ ማስረከብ ከሁሉም በይ የሚያስከበር እና የሚያኮራ ተግባር ነው። ጠፋ ሲባል ያሳዝናል የፖስታ አገልግሎት ድርጅቱን ያሰድባል። ባለጊ ሰራተኛ በሁሉም ቦታ አይጠፋም። ሲገኚ መባረር አለበት ለሁሉም መማሪያ ስለሚሆን። ለተገልጋዮች ዋስትና ነወ። ለጥፋተኛም ያስተምራል። ወደ ውጭ ሀገር መላኪያ ዋጋ በዝርዝር ብትጽፉት ለተገልጋዮች ግልጽ የሆናል። " እቃ ጠፋ ሲበላ ህዝብን እና ሀገር በጣሞ ያሳፍራል ለማስተካከል ሞክሩ" ከምስጋና ጋር! ደምበላሽ ከሰሜን አሜሪካ።
a document sent from greek on 28/09/202 could not arrive still now
Shona Osman
Who is postal agent? That responsible for shipment in the custom
we not have confidance from ethiopian post, it is owner of individual person, it\'s not gov\'t organation, acordingly
Always on time
Package properly received as packed.
Package Well I can\'t track my package, from Dire Dawa Post Office sent to Estonia. What\'s the problem ?
Thanks for the good packing which protects my product from damaging.
I am an old customer from this courier and I can say firmly that it is worth to trust as most of packages I sent were delivered successfully to the buyers' doors.
This is the third time I ship goods via Ethiopia Post. It provides excellent shipping service and I shall use it to ship more in the future!
I told the seller to package my stuff firmly as I fear it would damage as this is very important to me. And turns out she did well.
Transit 22 days
I Am waiting this mail for 49 days and still I have no any information about it so what happened? I need it very very, and it\'s important for me so what is wrong with your service? Here it\'s my Code: RD167372704ET
Very fast and reliable company.
Whether you want to get auto-update shipment status or create sales opportunities, we have all the tools you need.