Fastway Ireland Sendungsverfolgung

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This company has removed it's phone support and only has online contact form in place which they will not reply to. Fourth week waiting now for any contact back about a lost, insured package and nothing from them. If your package gets delivered then you win, if anything else happens you are SOL. Avoid if you value you time, money and piece of mind. My item was marked delivered in the wrong part of the country and the recipient was at home waiting as it was ticked off as signed for. Thieves, scammers or incompetent, one or more of these apply to Fastway.

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Exellent transport service.

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I ordered one bottle of gel polishes and I receive it today very safely, didn\'t damaged and other unhappy things happen, I appreciate it a lot:)

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Received email notifications on \"Out for Delivery\" and \"Delivered\".

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Fast and punctual delivery. Good delivery tracking. Everything was great.

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Fastway is the top notch company which put their customers at the first place.

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