Aliexpress Standard Shipping Sendungsverfolgung

Verfolgen Sie Ihre Aliexpress Standard Shipping Pakete in Echtzeit und erhalten Sie automatische Versandbenachrichtigungen mit Aliexpress Standard Shipping Sendungsverfolgung.


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Flip Airboost

Colis livré par mon facteur B-post après 6 jours ouvrables pour une commande le 31 décembre. Impeccable!

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I ordered via Aliexpress, they gave me tracking ID S00000150022550. When tracking through Cainiao order appears still in transit. a week ago I got a letter from my national courier saying I had an international package with tracking UD311427288MY. I guessed it was this package just because how much it weighted, because there was no description whatsoever. Fortunately the package arrived well, but it was just because I did get the letter from my national courrier indicating the correct international tracking number (It is very common that those letters get lost, in witch case I could have never been able to complete customs dutys and would have lost the package)

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Il faut plus commander à la Chine c’est de l’arnaquenico

Il faut plus commander à la Chine c’est de l’arnaque

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J\'ai enfin reçus ma commande aunput de 44 jours d attente

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Was so worried, because of other reviews. Bought something I thought was being shipped from UM, but actually from China. Worried it might be a scam, because of other posts on here.... but 8 days later I had my order :) Thank you. X

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Mildred Sancy

Favor informar estado actual de mi pedido aliexpress n° de seguimiento UJ233412804CN

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Paket gitunya LZDCC000051463660

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not bad. i received the package and delivered it on time. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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not bad. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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love it. My parcel was on time and in good conditio. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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not bad. My parcel was on time and in good conditio. No sign of dents of the box.

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Ciao per favore,si può sapere se devo aspettare o meno?

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Ciao per favore,si può sapere se devo aspettare o meno?

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Dear, I have a special request for ma package : please could you delevry it to my camilla Dos Santos house,168 A rue de villard,is 3rd floor left.Thank you so much

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Maria José

Estou tentando rastrear esse pedido no correio do Brasil e não a registro, aqui rastrear e achei meu pedido na hora. Agora não entendo o porquê a compra da gente fica tanto tempo em Curitiba!!!!!! Alguém pode me explicar?

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My package was bought on AliExpress website and today I found this site can totally track it. What a great experience!

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