Globegistics Inc Suivi

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The estimated delivery date was actually spot on, however today at 9:30 pm i received a notification to tell me that my package had been delivered at my local post . However, the time of delivery written on the app said it was delivered at 10 in the morning, which was almost 12 hours ago ! i find this quite unfortunate that my package i'd been waiting for for 10 days actually arrived today but i wasnt able to get it today because of the tracking status not being updated, now i have to wait until tomorrow which is no big deal, but still a bummer and for this reason i think if i had a choice i'd try a different shipping method.

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James Page

This company provides inaccurate and false claims about delivery dates and is extremely slow with delivers. Estimated 4 week's delivery and took 6 weeks.

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amazing. Fast shiping. No sign of dents of the box.

Afficher plus

love it. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. No sign of dents of the box.

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have accurate tacking system!

Afficher plus

I prefer not to recommend this courier to dispatch your packages. So bad.

Afficher plus

All my packages were arrive safe and sound, thanks a lot

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The price is more reasonable than other express company, and really helpful

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fast delivery, I received my parcel only within 3 days

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A perfect condition, nice delivery service, thank you very much and all the best!

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