Greyhound Suivi

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  • 6
  • 1
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
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I appreciate the information and ESPECIALLY the link to the courriers site. It\'s truly helpful and resourceful. unfortunately, the reason why it is not a 5-star rating, is because I don\'t understand what the numbers next to the location are for. and why does it have the title... \"Transit(18010Days)\"? Please explain! thanks for having so many courrier options :))

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I use this shipping company to ship goods to my customers for nearly six years and the volume can be reached to thousands yearly. What impressed me most is their lost rate. 10 of a thousand may get lost, but this can be understood. Good.

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so nice for service!

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8 out of 10 of my items have broken. Bad.

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Just so good in many aspects never make me upset down

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Used this express for long time and it still good to used

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come very fast and the package is intact

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I\'ve received the parcel. The goods arrived in good condition. Everything is great, THANKS .

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