GuangChi Express Sendungsverfolgung

Verfolgen Sie Ihre GuangChi Express Pakete in Echtzeit und erhalten Sie automatische Versandbenachrichtigungen mit GuangChi Express Sendungsverfolgung.


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it did not work it came missing pieces I dont know hat to do since comes from china

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So I contacted PayPal over this order. They told me that things are taking so long because of the coronavirus.

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I ordered on March 27th, it\'s now May 3rd and I still haven\'t gotten my package. I understand the coronavirus has slowed things down a lot but I am glad the bras I ordered are finally on their way. Don\'t pay express shipping though because it won\'t come any sooner, sorry to say. I only gave them 3 stars for now because like I said, I haven\'t gotten my package but when I do I will possibly change my rating.

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I have No Idea what you sent me or from whom, or what company?? Please let me know!!! Mary Green

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