Hong Kong Post Suivi

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Overall rating
  • 36
  • 7
  • 5
  • 0
  • 0
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From start to finish I was kept informed at all times. Most importantly, the information was accurate; and the package arrived in perfect condition. Brilliant!

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Great service! They rang me when I didn't answer the door and waited so I could get someone to take the package. He only waited a couple minutes but it was much appreciated.

Afficher plus

Prompt Delivery and helpful service.

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I would recommend. My delivery driver was so friendly and efficient.

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The package returned to you because the post had a malfunction in the network and I could not receive my parcel. Can you send it again and I will be grateful to you that it is my first package

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very slow service .please try to deliverd fast

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We can\'t found tracking line map for our shipping and estimated arriving date

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RC703734781SG Item send from Singapore on dated 15 May 2018. Checking 18th Arrival at Destination Post (Country: HK), until now no updated status, appreciated please help to check

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help me pls First name : khaled Last name : nassar City : abu-halifa Block : 2 Street : 1 Bulding : 52 Floor : 1 Flat : 3 Zip cod : 54600 Number : 96597254408 Number : 96594008910 Item : EA285962311HK

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Package delivered by China EMS only took 18 days from China to Kuwait. Less transit time then any of my previous delivery.

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Very slow service, please try to deliver fast.

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Last time this courier send my goods one day after the estimated delivery date. But another goods arrived in time so that apparently they are improving.

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When the request arrives, please call 0567333109

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Shipment arrived safe and sound. And there is a small free gift. Really nice and sweet.

Afficher plus

Hong Kong post is very fast and economical shipping partner. I choose it's services since my first sale on AliExpress.

Afficher plus

Really simple and good!

Afficher plus

package has been in transit for 12

Afficher plus

I can track the shipment details on the internet, even though the delivery is not very fast, but the price is much cheaper than DHL.

Afficher plus

it delivered my package on time safely, it is a reliable courier

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