Indonesia Post Suivi

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Waarom moet een Brief verzonden van uit Jakarta naar Surabaya (Malang) zo overdreven lang duren er gaan dagelijks Treinen recht streks. is toch een bepaalde Verantwoording tegenover de Klant

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Varasina Farmadani

Is the fastest post in the world, i get my **** after 3 days

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My first experience receiving a parcel from West Java.It took just 12 days to reach my home in Malaysia.I consider the service efficient.

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Definately reccommend this service.

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Super service very Happy customer

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Very efficient and effective. Nice job. Will recommend it to family and friends

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Shipping takes absolutely forever, and they do not wait to take the money out of your account until the package ships or arrives like many businesses I know of. Payment options were confusing and complicated as well...hoping my package arrives sometime soon, being as I have been waiting forever...

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Mohd akhbar wahab

Berapa lama mahu sampai sekarang barang aku berada di mana RR040855538ID adakah d indonesia lagi

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Etat means NaN NaN Nan? No date and no hours but only \"NaN NaN NaN\"!

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It would be much better if Indonesia Post can improve their services in customs clearance.

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