JCEX Sendungsverfolgung

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  • 35
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Happy with service

The bubble paper had a really weird smell but once everything was unwrapped it was all fine.

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Cassandra Jackson

I ordered a motor. It was $700. This service was used to ship my package. It hasn’t moved since the day after it shipped. That was a month andctwo weeks ago!

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Chloe Rexford

Shipping was going fine then it stopped in Chicago and hasn't moved since

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I ordered a package from china. Its been sitting in Chicago since December 28th. I have emailed the company I ordered from. I have called JCEX which does not answer there phone or email. I was suppose to have my package in December. This is a shame, defiantly not happy.

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双11下单,圣诞节收货。 一次购物,双重满足。 你值得拥有。

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This company sucks! I ordered my package not knowing it’s coming from China and I placed the order on 11/20 it is now 12/17 and the tracking shows that my package hasn’t moved since 12/14 this is a shame!

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My package supposedly arrived 12/1. However there is no package in my mail, my porch, my yard, or anywhere to be found. Extremely upset over this. It was a 48 dollar order for my business. Not happy at all.

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Supposedly my package arrived 11/26 but I checked my mail and my porch and nothing is there. What a way to waist my money, I really needed it that dress.

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Blessed life

Hello good afternoon everyone I have ordered from this site several times and when it comes through FedEx it comes really quick

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My order states it got to LAX 11/07 expected to be delivered 11/10 and still waiting. As of today Amazon is stating my packet might be lost. What a waste of time order dress almost 1 month ago. Wedding is Friday Nov 26th out of town.

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I was vary worried when I saw the reviews for this company. I was already nervous enough because I bought a wedding dress online. I'm happy to report that they deserve not only in timely manner but earlier then expect. I placed my oder Oct 1. Est delivery date was Nov 12- Dec 9th it was delivered Oct 30.

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Says my dress is delivered in Texas I live in phila way too mess up my 50 dollar order

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Excellent delivery

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While I was tracking my shipment I found that the last update was written: RECEIVER UNABLE TO BE CONNECTED , what does that mean. please explain

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