FIC Tracking Number: SMI1160GB82338114101 Shippers Ref: 173129-173165 Tracking Number: 344010514820173
PRO1085GB00035371101 Has been cleared on 10/apr, where is my order
344010514796546 and 344010514800400, been 2 weeks after custom cleared and I still have not received, nobody picks up the phone or replies my email. where are my orders???
344010514791296 Arrived hk on 21 mar.. no update since the .. may I have the update ? When will I receive my order ?
344010514767430 status showed Arrived HK 10 days ago Still not receiving any parcel at the moment And no update ?
344010514780951 17/3/22已到港,但在香港地址是錯,請寄回英國shipper的地址,謝謝
The delivery status has not changed since 16/12, what happened.
344010514584730 The package is still any update since 8 Dec. Pls advise when will you delivery the package? I need it very urgent.
344010514620146 The package is still any update since 8 Dec. Pls advise when will you delivery the package? I urgent need it tomorrow.
Tracking No 344010514617943 The package has arrived at HK airport on 7 Dec, and has no updates ever since. Tried calling the hotline but in vain. Fedex promised 4-8 working days for delivery but now it has already passed that range. Possible to give updates on the status on the package? I need it tomorrow
貨件25號已經到港 但到今日都未有消息 打電話去voice mail又爆 唔知點解外國寄嚟用FedEx 會forward 咗去呢間嘢,電話永遠冇人聽,個件凍過水
唔知點解外國寄嚟用FedEx 會forward 咗去呢間嘢,電話永遠冇人聽,個件凍過水
貨件6號已經到港 但到今日都未有消息 打電話去voice mail又爆
Where is my order?
31/8 巳到港,344010514277636 請問幾時發貨
tracking number 344010514286294 ....... 已等了十多天!!!
The package is still no any updates since 6/7. A disappointed delivery service
Excellent service. Thank you.
not bad. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. can\'t wait to open my box.
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