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{Carrier} 패키지를 실시간으로 추적하고 {Carrier} 추적을 통해 자동 배송 알림을 받으세요.

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리뷰 쓰기

Since corona 90\% of items in normal omnapost is lost after arriving in oman. Shoukd change name to omanlost

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Oman Post is so slow it doesn’t deserve to be in the business. I order so many items which show they arrived in the country but it’ll take weeks or months till they send delivery messages. FYI: I’m a member of Oman Post and I pay yearly without delay.

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Paul Sharples

Letters from family in UK never arrive in my PO box, even when dent by registered post

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Eva Núñez

Desde el 10 de Septiembre envíe a Cuba dos combos por una agencia en Miami que los mismos fueron enviados desde Panama por vía marítima en el contenedor #136-62497842 con códigos CP200430575OM CP200430589OM hacia la Ciudad de la Habana.Por favor necesito me ayuden a localizar estos envíos ,gracias y saludos .

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Got in 11 days

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Had plenty of things delivered to me with zero problems and a nice delivery guy and a rather nice truck. Also sent plenty of things and also never s. Reliable service.

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Good price came quick

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2days transit in Oman is too much. Delay in entrance of the data to the system

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After waiting nearly 1month plus just received my order #371 today

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Made a lot of stupid mistakes when doing my first time shopping on taobao, but fortunately, they all had been solved finally. So I mark this as an unforgettable purchasing experience.

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I shipped a set of furnature due to the reason that I have decided to move to another city. They arranged everything well.

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Our company has been using this service since 2015. Package seldom get lost. And if lost, you will get compensation from this postal service. It's Ok!

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I love this parcel tracking site which brought me a lot of info and saved my time navigating the complicated official website.

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Moahmmed alzarai

My item shipped has bein too late. I want to know whats problem?? Shipment Code; RR682390791AR Regards, Mohammed

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This item carried by Oman Post can be followed and was delivered successfully.

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오늘 배송 추적

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