After 48days I couldn\'t received my parcel no cc001329067pk Kindly look into this matter plz gave me response
After 41 days I couldn\'t received my parcel no RB077887193PK Kindly look into this matter
It\'s good to know that we have this system we can easily track our items and can manage time to get
Easy and accurate Tracking of international parcels from every country for every person. Great Service
My parcel 35 day ho ge hai but no my home sialkot
My parcel 35 day ho gerly hai but no my home sialkot
Pakistan Post is not that efficient in delivering my goods. Will think twice at my next use.
Nesecito que sean mas rápidos en entregar.. paquete de envió desde Perú con destino pakistan son 16 días y aun no aun no a sido entregado al Sr fahan zahoor elahi con el código de envió RR 789005285PE..solo esta es mi molestia y opinión...después esta muy bien que brinde con este servicio
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