파키스탄 포스트 추적

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After 48days I couldn\'t received my parcel no cc001329067pk Kindly look into this matter plz gave me response

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Najmi Naqvi

After 41 days I couldn\'t received my parcel no RB077887193PK Kindly look into this matter

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It\'s good to know that we have this system we can easily track our items and can manage time to get

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Shah Nawaz

Easy and accurate Tracking of international parcels from every country for every person. Great Service

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My parcel 35 day ho ge hai but no my home sialkot

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My parcel 35 day ho gerly hai but no my home sialkot

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Pakistan Post is not that efficient in delivering my goods. Will think twice at my next use.

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rosita zambrano

Nesecito que sean mas rápidos en entregar.. paquete de envió desde Perú con destino pakistan son 16 días y aun no aun no a sido entregado al Sr fahan zahoor elahi con el código de envió RR 789005285PE..solo esta es mi molestia y opinión...después esta muy bien que brinde con este servicio

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오늘 배송 추적

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