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Terbaik.saya terima parcel dari kuching..5/12 di pos laju kuching harini sampai kl dah.terbaik..laju memang laju..

Afficher plus

Hi, Why is there no immediate updates on my parcel’s location? Last update was on 7 Feb 2023, now is 10 Feb 2023 and still no updates. I ordered that on 2 Feb, only for it to get picked up on 7 Feb. Meaning that I have been waiting for the parcel to arrive more than a week already. Please do solve this issue.

Afficher plus

Wow,, Hantar barang dari Malaysia ke Indo cuma 4 Harii je......... Tanks J&T........

Afficher plus

Dear pos laju,saya ingin berterima kasih kepada abang pos laju yang telah memulangkan dompet duit saya yg berada didalam mailbox giant kemuning utama,shah alam. semoga abang pos laju tersebut dimurahkan rezeki sekeluarga

Afficher plus

berapa hari sudah ni item masih proses . risau pula parcel tu hilang ka apa . tolong update .

Afficher plus

Barang lambat nak mampos sampai.. stuck kat ofis 3 4 hari bongok

Afficher plus
pelanggan terhormat

smalam pukul 9 pagi out for delivery but fail n cakap nak retry next working day. Harini dh pukul 10 pagi tk kluar ii lg

Afficher plus

Suda 2 minggu barang lewat smpai, spatutnya ambik masa 3 hari jer.. ganti la staf2 yg lembab tu.. sistem kuno ker? Servis tak pernah diperbaiki.. courier paling kuno.. hantar barang pakai siput b@b1 kot.

Afficher plus

saya sekarang mcm bergantung tak bertali, 12/8 barang ditahan utk cukai. pergi ke pej terdekat staff ckp CIK KAMI XBUAT DAH SERVIS AGENT. nasib baik dpt number phone personal staff di kawasan saya. harapkan number di web, surat dan page langsung tiada jawapan. info terakhir saya dpt adalah barang saya dlm proses. 12/8-22/8 n still counting. customer terpinga2 minta perihatin syarikat gergasi malaysia ini beri perhatian.

Afficher plus

Poslaju dr 30 julai 2021 masih sangkut di hub shah alam

Afficher plus

They are good actually, could handle over 700,000 package everyday,

Afficher plus

Cepat skit ye .. berapa hari dah tnggu ni .. barang yg saya order smlm pun dh sampai harini guna j&t .. thank you

Afficher plus

dissapointed by how slow they are with processing my item. have tried to message them but no replies at all minus from bots

Afficher plus
Tyrion lannister

Selama ni aku guna pos laju cepat je smpai rumah aku. Korang duduk nigeria ke apa ni?

Afficher plus

Waiting for u guys to deliver my parcel sure taught me the value of patience and helps me to become a better man. Keep up the good work bois!!

Afficher plus

Thank you kepada pihak poslaju...walaupun bnyk org order barg secara online disebbkan ebelia dan pkp tetap jugak dapat hantar barang dengan selamat even lambt sikit

Afficher plus
Zullyza Abdullah

Ada dua oder guna pos laju Tunggu parcel satu stuck dri 6may "item dispatched out" sampai 9may tak gerak2.. Hurmm, satu lagi okay skrg kt transit KLIA HUB item dispatched out

Afficher plus

Hantar brg sy dgn slmt smpi tgkt 4.siap susun slipar ktorg ats kotak brg tu bg mnmpakkn kotak tsbut tmpt ltk slipar.kreatif btul abam pos laju ni..tq so much.smoga rzki y diperolehi diberkati olehNya

Afficher plus
The Amazing Slowman

Other parcel from other courier with longer distance delivered within a day, but this courier start from PJ site until now still yet to delivered LOL. Luckily abang pos who nearby my home area is kind and have great service. [5 star for abang POS nearby my home, -2 star for other site that slow delivery service.]

Afficher plus
didi n friend

Hi pos laju klang ni kenapa? Jangan lah macam ni. Tu barang member tu. Lama sangat dah tunggu, bila nak delivernya. Amanah orang tu jagalah elok elok. Orang bayar bukan free. Aku nangislah macam ni

Afficher plus
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