Dulu posslow...sekarang dh betul-betul poslaju. Harap dikekalkan prestasi....jgn kembali jadi posslow.
Santuy kamu poslaju
Millions thanks to the staff name Imran or amran hmm amir I think I also forget ready I\'m sorry but he\'s works near poslaju value area..hampir 3tahun I stay dekat desapalma this first experience poslaju slah sent brg but the staff yg slah hntr brg tu sngt brtanggungjwab he\'s help me return balik brg tu dlm keadaan yg elok.. thank you very much..
Barang saya masih sangkut di KLIA HUB lagi sudah lama... No Tracking: EP749297380MY
Mudahan urusan poslaju dipermudahkan dan dipercepatkan
pos laju tidak update lagi ke barang saya saya dh tunggu 3minggu sudah
Dear all, please be noted that Pos Laju system is being upgraded. Estimated finish maintenance is on Wednesday, 17 June 2020. Fret not, your items are safe and currently on their way to your doorsteps. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Barang dihantar tak pernah berubah bentuk, bermakna mereka amat utamakan keselamatan Parcel sehingga melambatkan pergerakan penghantaran.
Even barang sampai sedikit lambat, tetap salute sebab rajin tungkus lumus bekerja, after tengok anggaran parcel hampir berjuta in 10 days yang viral haritu, omg you guys thankyou.
Hrp sampai dgn selamat
Pengtaran tiba pda waktux tepat good job.
barang tak dapat checking sudah sampai mana..
FM012174865MY apa item ini
Always professional always on time Always professional always on time. Service level is high. When I order things on internet if I can see that they\'re using PosLaju I know things can not go wrong with delivery.
please send back to cheras
Hi, My item not yet received. Festive season?
barang sudah di poslaju batu pahat pada waktu pagi tetapi belum bagi pada waktu petang
Pls up date today ,bc i wan to check new pancil Arrivals or not !tq
Pls up date today ,bc i wan to check new pancil Arrivals or not !tq
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