Russian Post Suivi

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Overall rating
  • 24
  • 4
  • 2
  • 0
  • 0
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good service good product thanks will be back

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This is my first time getting post from russia

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Hi, good day! I always check my parcel, if the sender recieved the item.. but since the day that send it to, i don’t have any details where is my parcel now.. I sent it last February 22, how many days to recieved the my package? Thank you!

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I never had s with this company. Always get my orders on time

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Supper service and good behandling

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Spasibo pochte Rossii za bystruju dostawku.

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Have a happy online shopping experience!

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Russian Post did a great job in delivering my package. It can always meet my deadlines.

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this is a nice service

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Although the item had a little delay regarding of delivery. I finally got it in three weeks from Russia to China.

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