Saudi Post Suivi

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I have a package that arrived at your located in Cordoba, Riyadh since September 4 and I get the other orders and they do not call me or tell me anything about it. Also the service is very slow

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Мехмед Гузелоглы

Я из Турчии посылал письмо в Азербайджан. Но к сажеленью это письмо попала вам Саудовскую Арабию. Прошу вас отправте письмо в Азербайджан.

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So far i have sent an international parcel, three times on a normal post it reached faster than I expected, the service is really impressive. It is cheaper and better than other expensive logistics brand. Thank you Saui Post.

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Saharukh khan

Where in my parsele

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V.nice. good compny fast shipping.

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what more could I want.Brilliant service.Thank you

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Received my parcel on time!

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Sub : Non Delivery of Speed Post Registration No. ED712388581IN dated 21.03.2018 for Riyadh Dear Sir, We had booked one packet by Speed Post on 21.03.2018 for one of our buyer – MARS PUBLISHING HOUSE Abdul Malik Bin Marwan Street Near Oleya Post Office RIYADH – 11443 Attention – Mr. Abdul Hameed Noor (m) 0506065939 While tracking status of our packet on internet, remarks are given as – Reason – Incorrect Address Measure: Item waiting for action/information. We request to you please arrange delivery of our packet to the right person as given above as the packet contains important material which we have to collect personally on 10th April, 2018. Thank you Yours faithfully For GOODWILL BOOKS INTERNATIONAL P.K. SAXENA

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Abdullah hussin

أرجو المساعدة في معرفه اين شحنتي القادمة من بولغاريا. للتواصل. ٠٥٩٢٢٤٦٤٦٣ رقم الشحنة RI259158905BG

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kushter unnisa

Parcel not came to still from 2months to bsngalore the bangalore has to send to the rt nagar post bangalore 560032 cpo60925224sa is my track number

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Saudi post can sometimes lose your parcels. But i did receive my parcel this time.

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