SFC Service Śledzenie

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Deb-B Seven Chew

SFC3WX1606201250005 from Amazon is scheduled to deliver today, could you please provide local contact details , thank you

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Daniel Gonzalez

Habia comprado un paquete por una tienda de Amazon, y ya lleva 20 dias y no ha llegado

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Hello i dint get my package more then 5 months .how long I need to wait.it’s so annoying . SFC2WI20211071337128

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Luiz Paulo

good morning, the order SFC2WT6193110080488 from Amazon is scheduled for delivery today, can you inform me if it will be by postal service or carrier? I need to travel today for 10 days, if you can inform the delivery time it will help a lot!

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Il mio pacco è fermo da un mese e non si riesce a rintracciare!

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No ha llegado mi paquete y no hay información real de la entrega. Mal servicio y dinero perdido

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Tracking number SFC1WV1215110120253 order stated that it was delivered. But no delivery. Left no note, and i was in the property at this time. I have waited 13 days for this order and was excited for it. Really disappointed and just want to know where I can pick it up from or if I can get a a refund. No help received

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Hallo wo ist meine ware?

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Non ho parole, il mio ordine risulta consegnato e il sottoscritto non ha ricevuto nulla. Oltretutto ho già pagato e quanto acquistato mi serviva urgente.

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Nildéa Santana

Produto consta como entregue e não recebi. SFC2WT5290109150679 Favor verificar a quem entregou.

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Ramona Vogel

Wo bleibt meine Ware?

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Al igual que todos no recibí el paquete y lo reportan como que ya fue entregado. Que mal servicio de parte de amazon que permite este tipo de vendedores y de envíos. Ve que no soy el único con este problema al leer todos los comentarios que mal servicio no vuelvo a comprar en amazon que permite esto de parte del vendedor y los que hacen la entrega de los paquetes.

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maria chiara

aspetto con pazienza da luglio due ruote pagate il doppio di altri siti e necessarie per la mia sedia a rotelle. È il 10 settembre e leggo che è stato consegnato. Vorrei vedere la firma ma non ne sanno niente neanche alla posta.

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Das mache ich nie wieder

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Ciudad de México

Búsqueda paquete, necesitamos saber cuando entregarán

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Il mio ordine è arrivato correttamente, anche se diviso in due lotti! I tempi sono quelli che sono, tenendo conto della situazione attuale. Grazie e buon lavoro!

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John F.

Lange Lieferwege brauchen etwas Zeit und Geduld, dass wußte ich vorher. Der Kundenservice hat sehr schnell auf meine Email geantwortet. Deshalb Daumen hoch.

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love it. My parcel was on time and in good conditio. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.

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amazing. 5 star kay delivery. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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