Skynet Worldwide Express UK Sendungsverfolgung

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Skynet used to be great but over the past year, once the parcel arrives in uk, there is no updates to tracking info, shame

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Skynet used to be great, the tracking info was up to date but over the past year there is no updates one the parcel arrives to uk. shame as I used to be great

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Zainab mairaj

Hi.. i use most of the time skynet service to Pakistan from uk... but today I am very upset n disappointed of this service... today I was not in the house n skynet driver leave the my percle in neighbour house n he couldn\'t leave the card in my door no cl to me nothing

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Why does it show delivered one day then arrived in hub a few weeks later?

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Super fast delivery

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This is my first time to use this express company, I thought is reliable, for it offer very details status of parcel, I will used again in next time.

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Goods came to me when there is a long time no tracking. Do not know what happened. Fortunately, it came to me at last.

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I need to send three parcels from UK to 3 separate addresses in Sydney, so i searched and searched. Finally I got SkyNet and decided to ship by it. You know what, i got them on Sunday. Really dedicated and should be reviewed by 5 stars.

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