我还没收到包裹。但是系统显示已签收。运单号 :3353938936439 你们送错地方了
亲,集运仓签收了,怎还没寄出海外?已经一个多星期了,我们还没收到。可否帮忙我们核实一下?快递单号 :3353967947452 谢谢您.
Although my item arrived a little later than it was expected. I am very happy about the whole purchasing history.
感謝貴公司快速的將三件貨品送交遞四方,但其中一件貨號3352258887169貴公司顯示已送交遞四方,但遞四方卻沒有入庫紀錄(其他兩件有),客服希望貴公司提供簽收底單...麻煩您了~圖檔請mail [email protected]謝謝
请问下我的货为什么还没寄来马来西亚的? 3350753200654
All things works well and do not need much communication. Things are done in a quite efficient way.
我收到我的包裹了 :-)
3338946151766 您好請問目前鞋子還在中國嗎
both the delivery and service are great
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