In Transit seit 27 Tagen???
Please kindly search my parcel number is EG005668318TW from Taiwan, What is the status very anxious to know. Thank you very much.
Hoffentlich kommt es bald!
The service is great! Workers are very helpful and nice.
Schweizer Postlieferant Herr Volkan Özdemir muss hier persönlich erwähnt werden. Keine Fehler und die Pakete entweder vor dem eigentlichem Lieferdatum geliefert als angezeigt. Ich habe meine Firma aus dem nichts aufgebaut und für fast 2 Monate jeden Zweiten Tag Pakete geliefert bekommen. Herr Özdemir hats voll im Griff. Schnell, effizient und zuverlässig. Die Schweizer Post darf ihn nie wieder gehen lassen.
All okay. Just when I bought it, I thought it was a product that it would be process here in my country (Switzerland), due to homepage it shows a national one but not, it comes from USA. I ordered on 23rd September and arrived on 8th October. Finally all good.
Trovi che tutto il servizio Postale Svizzero funzioni in maniera PERFETTA. Non ho altro da aggiungere, a parte che i prezzi sono piuttosto alti. Paola Riedi
Trovi che tutto il servizio Postale Svizzero funzioni in maniera PERFETTA. Non ho altro da aggiungere, a parte che i prezzi sono piuttosto alti. Paola Riedi
amazing. Nice packaging of the product. No sign of dents of the box.
great. Fast shiping. can\'t wait to open my box.
great. My parcel was on time and in good conditio. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.
love it. I received my order quickly. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.
love it. 5 star kay delivery. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.
Quiero irme a vivir y trabajar en Suiza
I have a package to pick up at the destination in Thailand.Tracking Number:RS912972422CH.I feel it is too long for the delivery period. Please reply to email: [email protected]
Very quick delivery of my contact lenses!! Ordered 8th July received package on 27th July..love love the shades and they’re so comfortable and very beautiful natural Shades!! Wil order again fr sure
Very good........
Guten Tag, Ich habe meine Adresse richtig geschrieben., Eichstockweg 6, 8600 Dübendorf Zürich. Gruss Rubí Cortez
God levering
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