개 이용 후기
雖然說話小聲了點,也不用態度那麼凶吧? 現在超商取貨方便許多,店員也客氣許多。 現在都盡量避免買宅配的,就是不想遇到這種。
送新北市蘆洲區騎車和開車的男性員工都很友善 騎車的雖然有點撲克臉 但是人真的很好
這只是查詢網站 不是客服欸拜託搞清楚
這只是查詢網站 不是客服欸拜託搞清楚
I choose this courier to ship goods to my customers and receive no complaint duiring last month. I would like to mark it as trust supplier.
when the delivery man sent me the package, i asked him so many questions and he stop and answered me friendly
T Cat is a good company to ship my goods successfully. Thank you.
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