TNT France Suivi

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Overall rating
  • 6
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
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Strongly advise AGAINST using this company for delivery to France. The incompetence and intransigent of the company is not indicative of a professional outfit. it is now 6 months since they offered eventually to accept blame and as of today I have not been riembursed

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Marko Stanar

Their website says I wasn't at home during delivery and that they left a note. I was at home and they didn't leave a note. Liars. I have no clue where is my package.

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you can see easyly they are a mother fucker

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Always promptness. Very good service. thank you.

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lots of crap reviews here probably from single bad experiences, but I can't get over all of the good experiences.

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Ships package very fast in a time definite delivery. Its services are matched with what it describes.

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It delivered documentations to my client\'s within three days. Fast enough.

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