P2P TrakPak Tracking

Track your P2P TrakPak packages in real time and get automatic shipment notifications with P2P TrakPak tracking.


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I asked for something on August 3 they said it would take 8 days to arrive and it will arrive in a month it is a shit of a P2P company TrakPak should not exist

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Fisheye Laven

I ordered some items from Asos to Bahrain and the delivery was done before the timeframe got expired. Was really skeptical before when I went through all the reviews and wasn\'t expecting the item to be delivered on the given date. But the truth of the matter is that I was shocked when I received the message from the regional post stating the item has been arrived. Aside from all the bad reviews the courier is doing their job properly but sometimes the fault it occurs and it also depends on luck I would say but thanks to you guys and happy holidays.

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Hi. It’s more than a month and I don’t have any news about my purchases, I bought a few things on ASOS and it just says that is still on trakpak. Im worried about all the things I bought: Please check all these orders: ASO2500GB31456677801 ASO2500GB93611706001 ASO2500GB11252471801 ASO2500GB70240941901 ASO2500GB39182088301

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good. I received my order quickly. No sign of dents of the box.

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not bad. I received my order quickly. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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love it. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. can\'t wait to open my box.

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not bad. i received the package and delivered it on time. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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boyer remy

j\'attends 2 colis de chez Croupon commandé le 05/04/18 et le 11/04/18 avec les n° de commande suivants: 1200-056789-722995 , 1200-056588-646345 , 1200-056588- 697569 qui selon Croupon devait être livré le 14/04/18!! Pouvez-vous m\'en tenir informé et si besoin voici mon portable : 06 20 99 35 89. Cordialement,

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Never had with this shipping company.

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Excellent shipping service with dedicated employees. Will ship goods through this courier again in the future!

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they are slow

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I am not at home but the courier request my neighbor to sign it for me as she knows i would be thankful if she did that. Really considerable.

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