Trinidad Tobago Post Sendungsverfolgung

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Gweneth morrison

A payment through postal registered mail was sent to WASA to cover about a two- year arrears on Lot #33 Railway Road, Arouca. According to Global Track Trace tracking number RE295579384US it was delivered 7/9/2021, final delivery. Remarks said Delivered ILLEGIBLE (meaning not clear enough to be read) What does this mean? Who signed & accepted this mail addressed to wasa for this account. What happened to this registered mail? Where is the return receipt? I emailed WASA at [email protected] several times no response! I tried to contact Trinidad & Tobago postal response..

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love it. I received my order quickly. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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not bad. Fast shiping. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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fast shipping. I got it on time. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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great. i received the package and delivered it on time. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.

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fast shipping. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. No sign of dents of the box.

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