Winlink logistics Suivi

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Please i want to find my order was missing CNB5066193 My phone # 0096655517509

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My order CNB5066193 missing

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Please contact with me it\'s to late

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Please help me to find it CNB5066193 Thanks to you

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I want to re-try and deliver the order number CNB5092870 At 0580052214 I wish the speed in reply .. a day ago 3-05-2018 .. as you explained to me ..

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لم استلم شحنتي الي الان اكثر شهر رقم cnb5074593 جوال 0591919019

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لم استلم شحنتي

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yasser tobar

موقع ممتاز تعيش لحظه بلحظه مع شحنتك Excellent location live for a moment with your shipment

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yasser tobar

موقع ممتاز تعيش لحظه بلحظه مع شحنتك Excellent location live for a moment with your shipment

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Where should i contact for win link logistics branch in dubai i have not recieved my items from 20 days Mobile number- 0529729403

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Please send this order again.. iam in sohar

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the delivery people are lack of area experience, they don\'t know some area and street here in Riyadh, that\'s why the delivery is too slow.

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This bag was sent to my mom and she said package was delivered in perfect condition except it is a little late in the evening. But it is still all right.

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