XpressBees Suivi

Obtenez des mises à jour de package XpressBees en temps réel. TrackingMore offre une API de suivi robuste qui prend en charge le suivi en masse, consolide les données de suivi en un seul emplacement et offre encore plus de fonctionnalités!


Overall rating
  • 280
  • 31
  • 8
  • 0
  • 0
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Mani sai

Very good delivery service

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I received the link... But when i clicked on Happy it went for neutral... Actually he was very helpful.. My review for him is happy and satisfied

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Debjani Roy Karmakar

Very fast delivery. Thank you Xpress bees

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Ganesh delivered product on time.

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jasbir kaur

good product delvry service

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Vimal pathak

Kapil Agarwal delivery boy was very well behaviour. and delivery service very good an soo fast. Thanks too expressbees. Vimal Pathak Ajmer(Rajasthan)

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I got my parcel earlier than the estimated date.

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Tiptur tumkur district Karnataka

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Received the goods in time without any damage. Located my address too very efficiently without hassles. Total covid rules and regulations followed. Totally satisfied with the service. Not once but twice.

Afficher plus

Very good experience. There were multiple deliveries but every parcel reached in time and smoothly. Deliveryman needed no guidance or little guidance to reach the place. Product reached in good condition. Only one point that one of the deliveryman was little hesitant to reach 2nd floor of the building. I can ignore this if 7out of 8 deliveries was perfect.

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Very good delivery service, The item have been delivered earlier than I expected!!!

Afficher plus

I m very happy... If i get feedback sms i give full star .... So my give you also provide that service again thank you very much

Afficher plus

It was a good service from the Xpressbees. I got my package delivered on time, got Impressed by the service

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delivery very good

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I am happy and satisfied

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Very good and fast courier service in India.

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Dinesh dubey

can you delivery to our new address 154 bomsandra Industrial area opp karnataka bank Bangalore 560099

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Good attitude by Veersinh Zala courier boy

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Rudra (Schlumberger Asia Pvt Ltd)

Best ever logistic service with the politeness and smartly assistance by agency owner Mr. Parkash. Barmer Rajasthan courier service 344001. Preferred parcel thru Express Bees of all my orders from serval portal of online shopping

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