Hi there. I've got my package that has been delivered to a wrong address yesterday. Its supposed to delivery to address 1/153 birkett street bedford wa 6052 With U But the address was With U1/153 birkett street bedford wa 6052 which is wrong address. So sorry its my bad. Could you please help me to follow the package for me because there is another one is coming to the same address Thank you so much Koy
Arrival time quick, however didn't knock, just left package and one item was broken.
While deliveries are generally great time-wise, I find it rather unprofessional and non-secure that my packages just get dropped at the door without any knock on the door or ring of the bell. Sure you can send an email to let me know, but I’m not getting them right away. I’ve never received a text to let me know my package has been delivered either. Whilst I have no other issues with YTO, this is a rather big concern. Especially as someone with a disability who has difficulty picking things up of the ground.
寄來的商品與實際刊登的不同,也連繫不上賣家,貴公司的電話也打不通 單號: G01427204459 客戶單號:TW00KHH014-YS2022404
我想退貨 ★★★★★葉小姐 單號G01430945367 訂貨和到貨不一樣。劣質雨衣充當高品雨衣,請問要如何退貨要?如何處理? 謝謝你
訂單編號:G01430282388 條碼:23827886100903086956 欲辦理退貨
單號G01431137130定貨和到貨不一樣請問要如何退貨要?如何處理? 謝謝你
運號G01337063671 ,3/1已改送7-11邁群門市到現在還未收到,也太久了吧
我在一頁是網站被詐騙 買韓國睫毛器來的是大陸睫毛器 (蝦皮賣250的市價)我韓國睫毛器 兩之1499 聯繫我 給我退貨
網購包裹,在幾天前收到網站通知貨物已送達,但當時住處並無家人在家,也沒有收到任何電話確認或通知,完全不能理解包裹為何跳出已送達的通知 還是家人到家後直接看到被放在門口地上的包裹,完全不能理解,你們既沒有打電話通知我,甚至直接放在地上就走,是什麼意思?
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