AfterShip 訂單追蹤是一項線上服務,可讓購物者追蹤透過任何受支援的承運商發送的貨件的狀態和位置。
AfterShip 提供的售後體驗解決方案包括多承運商運輸、貨運追蹤、預計交貨日期預測以及退貨和換貨管理等軟體。行銷軟體套件包括電子商務個人化軟體、簡訊、電子郵件和產品評論軟體。
與 AfterShip 包裹追蹤器相比,TrackingMore 專注於貨件跟踪,確保您從 1,300 多家全球承運商那裡獲得最新、準確的包裹追蹤更新。
選擇 AfterShip 來追蹤包裹的品牌是因為它與 1,100 多家營運商以及 WooCommerce 和 Shopify 等主要電子商務平台整合。其一系列售後和行銷工具還可以幫助企業改善客戶的售後體驗。
TrackingMore 與 1,300 家營運商集成,提供更全面的營運商網絡,更適合全球電子商務品牌。透過提供強大的 API 解決方案,TrackingMore 使您的企業能夠獲取數百萬個包裹的準確即時追蹤訊息,並將數據無縫整合到您的業務系統中。為了使電子商務變得更容易,TrackingMore 為 Shopify 提供了專門的訂單追蹤應用程序,並為 WooCommerce 商店提供了插件。
AfterShip 和 TrackingMore 之間的第一個差異是對出貨追蹤的關注。 TrackingMore 是一款強大的貨件追蹤解決方案,優先考慮與其營運商網路的可靠連接,確保企業能夠存取準確且最新的包裹追蹤資訊。
TrackingMore 擁有更廣泛的承運商網絡,由 1,300 多家物流服務供應商以及 80 多家航空公司組成,讓您可以輕鬆追蹤空運、海運和陸運托運。
TrackingMore 也更適合尋求可靠、經濟實惠的貨運追蹤服務的小型企業。 TrackingMore 的每月訂閱費用為 11 美元,最多可追蹤 200 個包裹,而 AfterShip 的訂閱費為 11 美元,僅可追蹤 100 個包裹。此外,對於不同的計劃,TrackingMore 對每次額外發貨收取 0.04 美元,而 AfterShip 對每次額外發貨收取 0.08 美元和 0.12 美元。新帳戶可免費試用 TrackingMore 的高級功能 14 天,為探索平台和做出明智的決策提供充分的靈活性。
對於企業客戶,TrackingMore 為大批量訂單追蹤以及自訂 API 速率限制等自訂服務提供大幅折扣。
將 TrackingMore 強大的貨件追蹤 API 整合到您的系統最多只需要兩天的時間,而 AfterShip 則需要最多兩週的時間才能完全整合。作為最佳的 AfterShip 替代方案,TrackingMore 是尋求快速部署、增強追蹤功能和卓越客戶滿意度的企業的首選解決方案。
TrackingMore 最適合優先考慮 API 驅動的貨運追蹤解決方案的企業。借助我們先進的 API 和 24/7 技術支持,您將體驗到無縫整合和即時的效益,確保您的物流運營高效可靠。
您可能感興趣: AfterShip 與 TrackingMore
借助 TrackingMore 等多承運商追蹤解決方案,所有貨件追蹤資料都將整合到一個儀表板中,並將透過 Webhook 及時推送運輸更新,確保您的企業快速注意到運輸異常並在問題升級之前做出回應,從而保證積極的交付體驗為客戶。
TrackingMore 的多承運商貨件追蹤 API 可讓您的企業透過單一 API 整合來自所有 1,300 多家承運商(包括 UPS、USPS 和 FedEx)的追蹤訊息,從而降低開發成本並確保追蹤可靠性。此外,我們的平台提供全面的數據分析,提供對運輸績效的洞察,並幫助您做出數據驅動的決策以優化您的物流營運。
其他追蹤功能包括自動出貨通知和品牌追蹤頁面,有助於減少 WISMO 呼叫並改善客戶的購買後體驗。
立即註冊 TrackingMore 帳戶並免費試用 API。
TrackingMore customers across industries are transforming their businesses with the API integration.
Provide a completely seamless branded buyer's journey with TrackingMore. Our platform is designed to make online retail operations fast and more efficient so that your customers can have the perfect post-purchase experience.
"TrackingMore's tracking API has everything we need to relieve our customer team of the pressure caused by tons of WISMO requests, while fulfilling our customers' needs for higher shipment visibility."
– Min Chen, Senior Supply Chain Analyst, Shein
Efficiency improved
WISMO calls reduced
Simplify package tracking and bring transparency to your online marketplace. Optimize your platform by integrating TrackingMore’s powerful tracking API as a connecting bridge between sellers and buyers. Build trust and exceed expectations.
Kaufland, a prominent German hypermarket chain with over 1,400 stores, has seen innovation in its order tracking operations and an enhancement in team efficiency through the integration of the TrackingMore API.
Decrease in order tracking time
Rise in repeat customers
Partner up with TrackingMore and get a comprehensive, end-to-end shipment visibility for you. Establish a strong supplier network and boost customer satisfaction by providing transparent and real-time order tracking services to your customers.
"Based on the logistics tracking issues faced by merchants and their customers, we started using TrackingMore’s tracking API."
– Billy Zhu, Product Manager, Dropshipman.
Refund rate
Orders fulfilled
Manage order and optimize fulfillment processes with TrackingMore’s intuitive tracking API. Our platform is created to streamline all your order tracking needs, from quickly identifying shipment exceptions to shortening fulfillment turnaround times by spotting shipping bottlenecks.
Passport Shipping is an international carrier for 3PLs, handling millions of packages worldwide. After integrating TrackingMore API, Passport streamlined its holiday season traffic ultimately increasing its CSAT scores by 6%.
Increase in OTD rates
Reduction in problem resolution time
Integrate TrackingMore tracking API into your company’s MarTech stack and find more smarter marketing opportunities. Connect delivery data to your marketing automation systems and trigger personalized campaigns based on shipment status.
Bamko is a full-service promotional merchandising agency. TrackingMore helped Bamko achieve a 15% boost in customer retention, ultimately increasing the potency of its customers' brands.
On-time delivery rate
Reduction in data reconciliation time
TrackingMore’s powerful API is engineered for fast and stable integration into your tech ecosystem. Streamline your operational workflows and use data-driven tracking insights to provide exceptional services to your customers.
Denali is a global IT solutions leader that integrated TrackingMore’s API to provide a streamlined experience to its customers in the logistics industry. As a result, Denali saw its customer retention rise to 79%.
Customer retention rate
Reduction in operational costs
Ensure reliable and fast shipment verification and records with TrackingMore’s reliable tracking API. Gain secure, transparent order visibility in high-risk transactions and analyze tracking data to continually improve fraud prevention model.
Tabby is a Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) financial service provider that integrated TrackingMore to combat transparency issues, resulting in a drastic decrease in customer-merchant conflicts and scam rates.
Reduced scamming instances
Lower merchant-buyer conflicts
想要自動更新貨件或提高交付效率?借助 TrackingMore 強大的 API,您將擁有觸手可及的所有工具,以改變客戶的售後旅程。