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Amazon UK Tracking

Gain clarity on the whereabouts of your package with Amazon UK tracking on TrackingMore. 

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    Gain clarity on the whereabouts of your package with Amazon UK tracking on TrackingMore. 


    • Amazon UK Tracking
    • How Can I Track My Amazon UK Package?
    • Amazon UK Tracking Number
    • Amazon UK Tracking Status
    • About Amazon UK
    • How to Contact Amazon UK Customer Support?

    Amazon UK Tracking

    Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the UK offering a wide variety of products to choose from and an efficient order tracking tool to help customers know when a package will arrive at their door. Tracking your orders via Amazon also lets you know the whereabouts of an order at a particular time and the shipping events related to the package.

    Amazon UK tracking is possible through the Amazon website or Amazon mobile app which are the two official ways to track your orders. However, TrackingMore as a reliable third-party tracking platform offers a one-stop tracking service including Amazon UK tracking, which is a more popular choice. This article explores procedures for tracking your Amazon UK packages with all three methods and why people always opt for TrackingMore.

    How Can I Track My Amazon UK Package?

    Tracking an Amazon UK package can be done quickly using the methods below.

    • Via the Official Website

    The Amazon UK website makes package tracking convenient by adhering to the following instructions.

    1. Open the Amazon UK website and log into your account.

    2. Click on Returns & Orders to view all your orders.

    3. Tap on the order you want to track and select the Track Package option.

    4. Amazon UK will furnish you with all the tracking information on the package including the current status.

    • Via the Official Mobile App

    Amazon mobile app

    Amazon’s mobile app is a go-to companion for customers who want to order goods online in the UK and track the movement of these packages from a handheld device. Download the Android or iOS version of the app as suits your needs and after installing follow this process to track your Amazon UK package.

    1. Open the Amazon Shopping app and sign into your account with your email and password.

    2. Click on the menu button (bottom of screen for Android and top of screen for iOS devices) and select Your Stuff.

    3. Tap on the Your Orders option then select the order you are interested in tracking.

    4. Click on the Track Package button and wait for shipment information to load.

    • Via TrackingMore (Powerful Third-Party Platform)

    TrackingMore Amazon UK tracking page

    TrackingMore delivers accurate and timely tracking information on any Amazon UK package that you are monitoring. With just the tracking number, you can know where your package is by doing the following.

    1. Open the TrackingMore website and click on the Carriers option at the top.

    2. Search for Amazon UK from the carrier list using the query box and tap on the courier.

    3. Enter your package’s tracking number and click Track.

    4. The entire tracking history of the package, current status, and location information will show on the next window.

    TrackingMore Amazon UK tracking status

    Compared to the tracking tools provided by Amazon, TrackingMore does not limit you to tracking Amazon packages only. TrackingMore supports the tracking of parcels from {carrier number} carriers around the world, including USPS tracking, UPS tracking, and UK Royal Mail tracking.

    To experience the superior one-stop tracking service offered by TrackingMore, you can integrate TrackingMore API into your system to improve your shipment tracking and monitoring. TrackingMore API has an excellent uptime of 99.9% which guarantees a seamless tracking experience with no delays throughout the year. For online shops, this stability comes in very handy during peak shopping seasons around holidays when more customers are tracking items they bought online during sales.

    Amazon UK Tracking Number

    Tracking numbers make all the difference when you want to know the whereabouts of an order whether using TrackingMore or the carrier's official website to track. An Amazon UK tracking number is a unique identification code that is generated when you order a product online and a merchant uses Amazon fulfillment service to deliver it to you.

    Most Amazon UK tracking numbers consist of 12 mixed numbers and alphabet characters. They start with a single or double-letter prefix while the rest of the characters will be purely numerals. Below are some examples of legit Amazon UK tracking numbers.




    The tracking ID of an Amazon UK package can be found in the Returns & Orders tab of your Amazon account. You can also check the order confirmation email sent to your inbox when you place an order on Amazon UK.

    Amazon UK Tracking Status

    Amazon UK tracking statuses must be understood and interpreted correctly to ensure that you are following up on any developments around your package effectively. The table below explains some common Amazon UK tracking statuses you are likely to encounter as you track your order.

    Amazon UK Tracking Status


    Label created

    The merchant store has shared order details with Amazon Shipping and a label has been generated for the package.

    Package picked up

    The item has been picked up from the merchant’s location.

    Package arrived at the carrier facility

    The Amazon driver has delivered the package to an Amazon fulfillment warehouse for processing.

    Package has left the carrier facility

    Your order has been released from the Amazon warehouse for last-mile delivery.

    Out for delivery

    The package is with an Amazon driver headed to the address provided by the customer.

    Package delivered

    The package has been successfully delivered to the shopper.

    About Amazon UK

    Amazon UK is the United Kingdom’s wing of, the US giant e-commerce marketplace. Amazon was founded in 1994 as an online bookshop but later grew into one of the leading online shopping websites with a global reach. Amazon UK allows customers to buy from merchants on the platform whether based in the UK or overseas and receive their orders at their doorsteps.

    Amazon UK not only allows customers to buy physical goods but also access streaming services through its Amazon Prime Video service. Amazon Prime subscription also enables customers to enjoy fast and affordable shipping services with Amazon UK tracking fully supported to help them keep track of their shipments during the delivery process.

    How to Contact Amazon UK Customer Support?

    Amazon UK provides real-time customer support to buyers who may be experiencing any issues with their orders, subscriptions, or package tracking. To get in touch, you can start a chat with Amazon’s virtual assistant.

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