Saudi Post Suivi

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Please update tracking # EB041056865KR

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Last December 26/ 2021 customs clearance, but still same showing , I don't know why, this is just my herbal medicine only, my track no is ET834354769IN

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My estimate tim 1 month far I didn't my order how I can contact with them... please if anyone know Saudi sunyou # let me know

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Faiyaz ali ansari

Mi smart watxh

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My name is Ashik, from Riyadh. Very bad situation and Saudi Post can fix my issue. I had send my Parcel to my home in INDIA, on 09 April 2021, as of now (13 Oct 2021, currently 6 months) my item didnt reach to my place. The cargo parcel was send from Batha Branch near Elixer Clinic, he even dont gave me the tracking number after more follow ups also, they are skipping me.. More than 20-25 times i visited there. no response and very bad attitude and complaint two times but complaints was closed without no calls to me. The things are valuable items but no any actions. You sent i dont know to whom to be complaint. totally frustrated. very sad☹️☹️

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Dear Saudi post , please update tracking # EM301657879IN status there is my essential medicine wiring for my shipment since 47days.

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m.n.haja msideen


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Diwan Farog Khan

My shipment delay from 29 days. What is the reason of the delay? EK109171985SA Your shipment is on its way to - MUMBAI as of today (2 August)

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Abrar Ahmed


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Mohammed Jaseel

After 10 days still at sorting center Mumbai , Need to send Fast this address. - Ashraf Arayi , Thavakkal manzil south road kollanpadi-Ponnani 679577(post code). Malappuram district , kerala state. , India

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Kazim hussain


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Azhar siddiqui

India post par trackijie sabhe parvel

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Niyaz Mushtaq

My shipment delay from 73 days.. What is the reason of the delay.. EK119428108SA

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Niyaz Mushtaq

My shipment delay from 73 days.. What is the reason of the delay.. EK119428108SA

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Azhar siddiqui

Aaaap sabhe INDIAPOST par track kijie

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Nazeer ahamad


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Mohammad Arif

I haven’t received my cargo yet. My tracking no: EK114252112SA. I sent it from Muzahmia, Riyadh, KSA to Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was sent on 25/03/2021. Now 34 days are over. I don’t know what is the fate of my luggage!

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محمد عارف

استلمت طردًا من المدينة المنورة بتاريخ 7/4/2021 من إسلام أباد إلى باكستان. تم الإرسال لمدة 15 يومًا تقريبًا كانت فيها تواريخ كنت أرسلها للناس في رمضان للإفطار. الآن انتهى نصف رمضان. لا أعرف متى وصلت هذه التواريخ إذا وصلوا بعد رمضان. ما الفائدة ؟

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dear team, still i didnt recive my parcel my track no: EK116214681SA

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