XpressBees Suivi

Obtenez des mises à jour de package XpressBees en temps réel. TrackingMore offre une API de suivi robuste qui prend en charge le suivi en masse, consolide les données de suivi en un seul emplacement et offre encore plus de fonctionnalités!


Overall rating
  • 280
  • 31
  • 8
  • 0
  • 0
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Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32 Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32

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Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32 Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32

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Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32 Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32

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Worst Costumer Support, can't call neither they reply mails, they don't call & texts you want open delivery without even asking

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Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32 Customer support @ 70 44 17 13 32

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Customer support@ 85 83 03 12 22 Customer support@ 85 83 03 12 22

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Customer support@ 85 83 03 12 22 Customer support@ 85 83 03 12 22

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Heena Kouser

No proper , rude delivery guys who try to fool the customer into cancelling order. Worst ever delivery company. Shame in the name of courier service. Struggling, literally have to beg the delivery guy to get me my pre paid parcel and still don't receive it. False updation saying customer was not available. Deny delivery on face.

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Ravi Rana

Bhosdi walo apne bando ko bolo acche se behave kre or order time se de bhen ke lodo

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Erick K Njoka

You are very UNRELIABLE!!!! Please do something about your and response period. Very UNFORTUNATE and UNTRUSTWORTHY, will not order anything from you next time.

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Fast delivery

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Very worst

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Bodhisattwa Basu

Lot's of bad experience with them, no commitment to deliver.

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Customer support @ 7044171332 Customer support @ 7044171332

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Customer support @ 7044171332 Customer support @ 7044171332

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Iam orderd on 19th September and from expressbees I got a msg on 24th sep but my order is not deliver till now today is 4th October

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Customer support @ 7044171332 Customer support @ 7044171332

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Nisha Patil

I have ordered Firtcry courier but this shipment is return isuue and Firtcry person I have ask money

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Customer support @ 7044171332 Customer support @ 7044171332

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