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PostNord Tracking

PostNord tracking on TrackingMore is a straightforward process that lets you know the whereabouts of your packages in seconds. Start now with your tracking number.

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    PostNord tracking on TrackingMore is a straightforward process that lets you know the whereabouts of your packages in seconds. Start now with your tracking number.


    • PostNord Tracking
    • How Can I Track My PostNord Package?
    • PostNord Tracking Number
    • PostNord Tracking Status
    • About PostNord
    • How to Contact PostNord Customer Support

    PostNord Tracking

    With PostNord tracking, you don’t have to trivialize the whereabouts of your packages; you can instantly locate them and know the shipping stage they are in. The PostNord website features an efficient tracking tool to monitor a shipment’s movement with just the tracking number.

    PostNord packages can also be tracked on a reliable third-party platform like TrackingMore, which gives you a detailed breakdown of the package’s tracking history. In this article, we will show you ways to stay on top of things as your items ship and quickly know where they are using the PostNord website, mobile app, and TrackingMore.

    How Can I Track My PostNord Package?

    Tracking PostNord packages shipping within and outside the Nordic countries is simple with just the tracking number. Locate this unique code in the order confirmation email or ask the online merchant to share it to get started. You can track PostNord packages through any of the following three options.

    • Via the PostNord Official Website

    PostNord tarcking page

    PostNord’s official website is an easy-to-navigate platform that makes package tracking an excellent experience overall. To use this website to track a package, follow the steps laid out below.

    • Launch the PostNord website from a browser.
    • You will find a query box on the homepage instructing you to enter the shipment ID.
    • Type in or copy and paste your package’s tracking ID here and click the Track button.
    • The tracking results will load in a matter of seconds.

    PostNord tracking status page

    • Via the PostNord Mobile App

    The PostNord mobile app is a convenient way to keep up with the latest shipment updates while on the go. The app is available to download for free from the App Store and Google Play. You can track your PostNord packages from the app using the following steps.

    • Download and install the Android or iOS version of the PostNord mobile app.
    • Open the app and select which Nordic country you are tracking from.
    • Register for an account or log in (you can skip this process if you only want to track your package).
    • Tap the ‘Track’ button at the bottom of the screen, then enter your package’s tracking ID (add a parcel)  in the query box in the middle of the screen.
    • Share more details about the package by selecting the “I’m receiving it” and “I’m sending it” options.
    • PostNord will show you the tracking results in the next window.
    • Via TrackingMore (Powerful Third-Party Platform)

    TrackingMore Postnord tracking page

    TrackingMore is a state-of-the-art package tracking platform designed to offer the best-in-class tracking experience to individuals and businesses monitoring packages across multiple carriers. You can use TrackingMore to follow up on your PostNord package through the following procedure.

    • Visit the TrackingMore website and select ‘carriers’ from the top of the homepage.
    • Search for PostNord on the carrier list using the search box.
    • Select PostNord when it shows up in the results and proceed to enter the package tracking ID.
    • Click ‘Track’ and wait for a moment as TrackingMore retrieves the full tracking history of the shipment.

    TrackingMore PostNord tracking status page

    TrackingMore is the go-to tracking solution for a large number of global brands, including Shein, DJI, Kaufland, and Printify. TrackingMore’s tracking API connects your business system to a carrier network of 1376 domestic and international carriers, allowing your team to keep an eye on multiple packages handled by different logistics partners in one place.

    PostNord Tracking Number

    When a sender pays for a package to be sent to the recipient, PostNord will issue them with a tracking number. This unique code helps the sender and recipient follow the package's movement and get the latest delivery status. This process of checking for the latest update on a package is possible through a professional tracking website like TrackingMore or the channels provided by PostNord—an official website and mobile app.

    PostNord tracking numbers usually consist of 13 characters but may vary depending on where the package is sent to or received. These tracking numbers can be numeral only or contain a mix of letters and digits.

    Senders can locate the PostNord shipment ID on the waybill generated when posting a package. On the other hand, recipients can check the order or shipment confirmation email for the tracking number. If you lost the tracking ID, contact the sender or merchant to recover it.

    Below are some PostNord package tracking numbers for illustration purposes.





    PostNord Tracking Status

    Knowing what each PostNord tracking status in a tracking report means allows you to expertly monitor your package and know when a delivery will be made. The table below shows some of the most common PostNord tracking statuses and explains their meaning.

    PostNord Tracking Status


    We have received a notification from your shipper that they are preparing an item for you. The tracking information will be updated when the parcel is handed over to PostNord. 

    PostNord has been informed of an expected shipment item and will relay tracking information once the package is received.

    The shipment item has been dropped off by the sender.

    The sender has dropped off your package at a PostNord collection point.

    The transport of the shipment item has started.

    Your package is now on a PostNord vehicle being transported to the next processing facility or destination.

    The shipment item has left the country of the sender.

    The international package has left the sender’s country for transport to the recipient’s country.

    The shipment item has arrived at the country of destination.

    The PostNord international package has been successfully delivered to the destination country.

    The shipment item has been loaded.

    Your package has been loaded onto another vehicle for delivery.

    The shipment is under transportation.

    The vehicle carrying the expected package is on the way to the delivery location.

    Suggested delivery time.

    PostNord estimates that the package will be delivered at a specific displayed date and time.

    The shipment item has arrived at the distribution terminal.

    The PostNord vehicle carrying the package has successfully delivered it to a local distribution terminal for further processing and rerouting.

    The shipment item has been delivered to a service point.

    Your package has been received and scanned at a PostNord service point.

    The delivery of the shipment items is in progress.

    The final mile delivery of the package has begun.

    A text message notification has been delivered to the recipient.

    The recipient has been informed via SMS of an impending delivery.

    Recipient identified via eID.

    The delivery driver has electronically verified that the recipient is the one the package was intended for.

    The shipment item has been delivered with Power of Attorney.

    The package has been successfully delivered to the recipient.

    The shipment item has been delivered to the recipient’s mailbox.

    The PostNord delivery driver has delivered the package to the recipient’s mailbox.

    A text message notification has been delivered to the recipient.

    The recipient has been sent a delivery confirmation email.

    About PostNord

    PostNord is a postal services provider operating in the Nordic countries. The company traces its history back to the 17th century when the Kings of Sweden and Denmark established mail carrier services in their kingdoms. In 2009, the Danish and Swedish postal service providers (Post Danmark A/S and Posten AB) merged the two entities to form Posten Norden. The company later rebranded to PostNord in 2011 and is jointly owned by the Swedish (60%) and Danish (40%) governments.

    PostNord has become a leading postal service provider and eCommerce delivery service in the Nordic region. With a workforce exceeding 28,000 employees, PostNord provides high-quality and reliable home and out-of-home delivery, business delivery and communication, international shipping, digital returns, eCommerce, logistics, and mail handling services.

    How to Contact PostNord Customer Support

    PostNord’s customer support is always happy to help customers enjoy a seamless experience using any of its services. In case of any challenges, you can contact them through the following methods.

    Customer Support Option




    Local: 0771-33 33 10

    Mon–Fri 8.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.

    From Abroad: +46 771 33 33 10


    [email protected] 


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